Top 10k strings from Behind Closed Doors II - The Sequel (1988)(Zenobi Software)[ICGLS].tzx
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [TZX] /
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2 5Instructions 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 ~~>>sv~~s>s> 1 ~8>c0>;cn>>>n 1 xd*!xd+*xd+3xd2<xdFAxdFRxdFdxd 1 unless he paid a visit to the small wooden hut at the bottom 1 u:*&u;#/u;#Ju;$Uu;&]u;&du;*ku;*tu=#}u=% 1 type them in and enjoy them ... after all they are all meant 1 type in the appropriate commands in the first place ... you 1 to broom, look up, cut string, take key, drop ball, unlock door. 1 the waiting door. Just then a small thought flitted across 1 the 'Goblin Gazzette', he made his way down the path towards 1 tape, MEMORY to save or load to RAM (instant recall). To 1 t ^#t `(t x-t y5t 1 stomach had become very nearly unbearable and he knew that 1 s %!s &(s '/s '8s (?s )Ds )Ks *Rs *Ys +bs +is ,ps .us /zs / 1 risk of the player. 1 pxhh@x888@@888x@``x 1 px`x@@88x@@x88@@``x 1 permanent record ALWAYS choose CASSETTE. 1 of the garden there would soon be more in his pyjamas than 1 just him!! So slipping on his boots and picking up a copy of 1 it61xt62}t62 1 in the 'nicest possible way' and it is only a bit of fun! 1 however if you don't want to be upset then you should not 1 his mind but he dismissed it lightly and thought to himself ... 1 have been warned! To the rest of you 'dirty-minded' sods, 1 garden, came the sound of suppressed laughter. 1 g)gNgegrg{g 1 examine rhubarb, cut rhubarb, take rhubarb, examine boots, take lace, tie dagger 1 cf<`cf0c?c3 1 behind the high briar hedge, that grew to one side of the 1 any others that you wish to type in are done purely at the 1 along with the following extras CASSETTE to save or load to 1 activate the 'Save/Load' routines just input either SAVE or 1 `|0~cc0?cc3 1 Zenobi Software 1 WARNING !!!! These games contain certain 'phrases' and 1 W (displays objects 'worn'), Z = Wait, L = Look. 1 UUUUUUUUUUUUUu 1 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 1 UUUUUUUUUUUUU 1 Tzx Vault3 1 These programmes will accept all the 'standard' commands, 1 Spectrum 48K/128K+2 1 R}%5a4~Rj$ 1 Loader W 1 LOAD and then choose the medium you wish to use. For a more 1 It was cold Autumn morning, but the 'gurgling' in Balrog's 1 In part three (BCD III) some useful abbreviations are .. 1 I can park my bum on the throne first!!" ........... From 1 I (displays 'carried' objects), O (displays objects present), 1 Hxhh@```PxxP```@hhXHHHhxxFFxx 1 Hx``@x`VPxxPV`x@`` 1 Climb on wall, shit. 1 CCCCCGGBBBBBBBBBBFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFCCCCCCGBBBBBBFFFFFFFFFFFF00000FFDDDDDDCFFFFFDDDDDDDDFFFFF00000FFCCCCCCCCDFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGFxxxxxxxxxxxxxxGGxxxxxxxxxxxxxxFFxppppppppFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFpFFxFFxxppppx`x@@88x@@x88@@``xppppxxFFxpppppxhh@x888@@888x@``xpppppxFFxpppppx``@xx888888xx@hxxpppphxFFxPhhhhxhhCCCx8888xCC@``xhhhhhxFFxPhhhhx``CCCx8888xCC@hhhhhhhhxFFxPhhhhxhh@xPP8888PPx@``hhhhhhxFFxpHHHHx``@x`VPxxPV`x@``HHHHhxxFFxXHHHHxhh@```PxxP```@hhXHHHhxxFFxxPPPPx``@``xxxxxx``@``PPPPxxxFFxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxFFxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFCEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEECFFFFFFFFFFFDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFDFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFECCCCCCCCCCCCCFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFCCFFFFFFFFFFFFF5Spectrum Screen 1 BEHIND CLOSED DOORS 2 - SOLUTION - TYPED BY VAXALON - 1994 1 BEHIND CLOSED DOORS .. THE SEQUEL 1 Also in part three it WILL be necessary to input ONE 1 Alienese 1 >s>n~8~8>> 1 ;"YOU for buying the game"; 1 ;"THANKS"; 1 ;"Gilsoft for the 'Quill'"; 1 ;"'Good Luck and Best Wishes'" 1 5Spectrum Screen 1 5Picture 1 33~0>c?3`~ 1 29X2:X2;X2<X2=X2YX2ZX2[X2\X2]X7 1 1wT$6wT%;wTMuwTN|wTx 1 0c~>ck30ccc> 1 --------------------------------- 1 +d3d:dAdJdVdbdidpdwd~d 1 'sayings' that may offend the more mild-mannered amongst you, 1 'FOUR_LETTER' word in order to complete the game, however 1 &'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz 1 %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz 1 #vK"*vK%7vK&BvK&MvK&ZvK1ivK1tvK1 1 "Behind Closed Doors 2 - The Sequel 1 !v`6\#6Y##6 1 Other things to try:Kiss frog, Burn Hedge, Unlock door before dropping ball, 1 Inputs:JOHN, ZENOBI, YS, MIKE, SEAN, RICHARD, KAREN, TV, KEZ, SEX 1 Examine door, examine note, pull dagger (two or three times), examine garden, 1 "The little sods can lock the door if they want, as long as